Sunday 23 September 2007

Week 38 - Bed 9 Planting

Most of the plants in this bed are doing well, but there are a few stunted plants, including the calabrese flowering in the foreground that could be removed. This could leave a bit of space to plant something else.
Over the entire bed, under all of these plants, we sowed:

  • White Clover - a low lying nitrogen fixing crop that is suitable for undersowing
The clover will grow where there is space under the brassicas for the next few months and will survive the winter. When the brassicas are finished and pulled out, the clover can remain until we are ready to sow into the bed next spring, at which time it can be dug in as a composting crop, adding fertility to the soil.

Three reasonable sized sprouting broccoli plants.

Two small Brussel sprout plants.

Three Pentland Brig Kale plants. This variety can grow quite big, but in the limited space, poor fertility and overshadowing of this back garden, we cannot expect too much.

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