Tuesday 10 April 2007

Week 15 - Bed 5

photo by Eoin Campbell
We dug up a potato to examine the amount of growth after only 3 weeks (from a chitted seed potato). The green leaves are only beginning to appear, but the root system is alreaady quite large. The longer thinner roots are the main root system of the plant, while the new potatoes will grow at the end of the shorter, thicker roots. Notice that all of the growth is above the original seed potato.

photo by Eoin Campbell
Original seed potato with numerous roots already visible, and leaf growth in the background. The tiny hairs of the white roots have picked up soil particles.

photo by Eoin Campbell
A broad bean seedling after only 3 weeks in the ground. The leaf shoot (top) has barely broken the surface of the soil, but the root is already 4-5 cm long.

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